Ready to Advance Your Lending Experience with FNI Blueprint™ and DecisionCore™? Schedule an Introductory Call, Today. Close

What If Lending

Platforms Could Grow at the Speed of Your Business?

Tools Could Actually Address the Entire Team's Wishlist?

Provided More Access to Testing with Confidence?

Provided Every Piece of Data that Your Analytics Team is Looking For?

Gave Your Customers All of the Choices they Deserve?

Could Happen Anywhere? At the Branch? In the Store? In the Office? From a Phone?

Continuing to enhance lending products for our customers means an open-minded approach. And we start by simply asking, “What If?” This ideas-first philosophy is grounded in our focus on the future and our drive to make lending more simple. Taking the time to consider a wide variety of lending volumes and scenarios has resulted in a lending toolkit that grows at the speed of your business.

Backed by decades of research and development, the Blueprint™ L.O.S. platform and DecisionCore™ credit strategy engine, are the answer to all of these “What if lending?” questions for start-ups, enterprise level, and lenders in between.

Lending Tech for Your-Sized Business


Rapid Speed-to-Market and Application-Based Pricing

Break down entry barriers with the FNI lending toolkit made for rapid launch schedules. Mitigate organizational risk with application-based pricing and clear expectations for return on investment.


Know Your Customer. Make Growth-Minded Decisions.

You need tools that drive your business, not software that gets in the way. Utilize advanced data analytics and reporting for your most ideal loan origination workflow.


Experience Efficiency, Flexibility, and Lender Autonomy

FNI loan origination software tools are built with massive scalability in mind. When you’re ready to implement more automated processes and leverage existing investments, DecisionCore can plug right in.

Industry Specialization, Customer Specifications


Solar &

Retail &
Point of Sale


Credit Union
Service Orgs



Small Business
& More

Committed to Support

Customer Success Stories

We're living in a completely different lending world and we have a lending partner in FNI that allows us to adapt to every new technology as it comes.

Tom A.

Great American Finance Company

Hear Tom's Story