Ready to Advance Your Lending Experience with FNI Blueprint™ and DecisionCore™? Schedule an Introductory Call, Today. Close

Platform Flexibility & Launch Agility

The FNI Lending Toolkit

Blueprint™ L.O.S.

Industry-Leading Loan Origination Software Platform

The loan origination software platform that is built for your business is already built. Experience industry-leading speed to market and platform flexibility.



Autonomy & Flexibility in Credit Strategy Management

Built for lenders, this powerful credit decision strategy engine is enhanced with a mobile-first testing interface for speed, efficiency, and confidence.



Bureau Response
Data Integrations
Technical Consulting
Lender Training
Platform Implementation
& More…

The End-to-End Lending Toolkit

Platform Flexibility: Don’t Stop Growing

Start with the robust features of the out of the box Blueprint™ LOS platform and proceed to launch or add your custom features from there. The FNI Lending Toolkit is backed by a team of lending tech experts ready to provide the solution to your specific lending scenario.

Third Party Data: Know Your Customer

The FNI lending toolkit is optimized with broad industry data integrations built directly into the platform. With more data comes more customer intelligence.

Total Autonomy: Do it Yourself

...or have help when you need it. The FNI loan origination product suite is not only built to grow with your business, but also built to grow with you. Take total control of your lending workflow.

Committed to Support

Customer Success Stories

We're living in a completely different lending world and we have a lending partner in FNI that allows us to adapt to every new technology as it comes.

Tom A., CEO

Great American Finance Company

Hear Tom's Story