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Your Strong Foundation

Flexible Loan Origination

Frequently Asked Questions

Does the FNI Loan Origination Software platform integrate with Third Party Services/Fraud services?

Yes! We have a wide variety of integration partners built directly into the FNI Blueprint and Architect platforms. See a full list of partners here.

What is the average FNI implementation timeline?

We usually allow 3-4 weeks for implementation and 1-2 weeks for testing after the initial launch of your loan origination software platform.

For auto loans, is FNI able to handle valuations?

Yes! We work with a variety of different third-party companies to provide valuation services directly within our loan origination software platform for specific industries. See our full list of integrations here.

Who are FNI clients?

We're proud to have clients in a huge number of industries. From auto to student lending, and many industries in between, we've proven our expertise across industry lines.

Does FNI outsource anything?

Nope. We build every aspect of our loan origination programs in-house. We maintain the systems we've created to best serve our clients.

Can FNI integrate my project with bureaus?

Absolutely. We're compliant with major credit bureaus. See our full list of integrations here.

How does FNI pull a bureau?

When pulling a bureau, we pull on behalf of the lender by utilizing their subscriber codes. We don’t have our own subscriber codes.