Have you ever been tasked with choosing an LOS? It can be a very time consuming and extremely difficult process. Originating business is a substantial piece of the lending process and is the kind of decision you definitely don’t want to get wrong. This decision impacts such a wide range of team members, from customer facing personnel, sales teams, and underwriting teams, to closing or funding teams. Additionally, it takes valuable time to train each person on a new system and, quite possibly, a new process.
Loan Origination Software Project Management
At FNI, we understand that a new LOS “project” can sometimes take years and can move from team to team in reviewing options. While functionality remains a priority, system users understand the importance of look and feel, since they spend the most time utilizing the software. However, IT or tech teams often see a different side of the decision and place their focus on security features, decision logic, and connectivity. In many cases, decision speed (whether automated or manual) is a must, meaning the LOS must be designed with efficiencies in mind.
FNI has maintained a great reputation in the industry by listening to the customer needs, making continued improvements, and operating alongside customers to create valuable partnerships that result in long-term relationships. At FNI, we take great pride in our promise to give our customers what they need rather than what we already have. With a wide range of customers that vary in size, we understand that it is impossible to build a system that fits all of our client needs, which is why we continue to have customized features as part of our extended offering.
As FNI launches the new platform next month, you will see many new features that were frequently customized. Other new features include those that create efficiencies in the process from start to finish. We have also added additional data services, workbench screens, and overall functionality. Combine all of this with security measures that ensure your customer data remains safe, an experienced project management team that ensures valuable pieces of the process are not overlooked, and a robust strategy engine that is capable of handling application peaks at 100,000 per hour, and the choice becomes simple.
FNI takes our customer’s needs seriously. Our core values haven’t changed over the thirty-four years we have been supporting customers, making FNI the choice lenders can trust!
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